Joke Silva Provides an Update on Olu Jacobs’ Health
In a recent interview, she shared:
“Olu has dem£ntia with L£wy b0dy, which is different from Alzhe!mer’s. The treatments for Alzhe!mer’s and dem£ntia with L£wy b0dy are contraindicated; using Alzhe!mer’s medication for someone with L£wy b0dy dem£ntia can cau$e severe reactions. We discovered this after consulting a geriatrician. I always stress that once you reach a certain age, specifically in your 70s and 80s, you should see a geriatrician, as they specialize in treating older adults and their methods differ.
Initially, it was challenging because we didn’t understand what we were dealing with, but once we did, his condition improved. Physically, Olu is in good health. He is strong and often arm wrestles with our sons, who have to put in effort because he is still quite strong despite being in his 80s. Occasionally, he has health is$ues that require hospital visits, but we manage them.
Olu also has significant vision impa!rment, so we have people assisting him to navigate the house. In unfamiliar places, he tends to shuff|e because he can’t see w£ll. When people see him shuff|ing outside, it’s because he can’t navigate properly. Otherwise, he is fine.
When communicating with him, it’s important to engage with him based on his reality. If he says, ‘I’m supposed to be on set now,’ you should respond, ‘Yes, in a couple of minutes, you’ll be on set.’ Or if he mentions ‘going to Ibadan,’ you can say, ‘Probably in the next hour, I’ll be on my way to Ibadan.’ Over time, he will realize the di$crepancies himself. Additionally, people in his situation often have m£tabolic is$ues; even though he eats well, his b0dy bu¥ns it off quickly, which is why he appears fr@il.”